Rituals + Traditions


Marking Milestones with Love

As a congregation, we share our joys and sorrows, supporting one another through difficulties, milestones, and celebrations. From birth to death, our congregation helps us live with deeper gratitude, greater connection, and more reverence for life.

child dedications

We offer child dedication ceremonies for infants and children, meaningfully created in collaboration with parents.

Blessing of the Backpacks

We offer a Blessing of the Backpacks ceremony at the beginning of each school year where the congregation "blesses" the children and their backpacks to wish them a happy, healthy, safe year of learning ahead.

Coming of Age Ceremonies

We hold a special Coming of Age ceremony after our youth complete their middle school Coming of Age course. This ceremonies includes the following elements:

  • Youth reading statements of their personal values and beliefs.

  • A time for reflections from parents or mentors, our minister, and religious educator.

  • The presentation of small gifts to the youth, acknowledging their passage from childhood.

Bridging Ceremonies

We offer a bridging ceremony for our high school seniors to mark their transition to adulthood. This ceremony includes the following elements:

  • The presentation of a handmade quilt to our bridging youth symbolizing the ongoing love and care of our community.

  • A time for reflections from the youth, their family members, our minister, and our religious educator.


Beloved Traditions

We have many beloved annual worship services at UUCD that help to ground and center us as we mark the passage of time and seasons. These include:

  • The Water Communion

  • All Souls Day

  • Solstice Services

  • Christmas Eve

  • Poetry Service

  • MLK Day Service

  • Youth-Led Service

  • Earth Day Service

  • Flower Communion