Justice Work


We live our values aloud.

Justice is what love looks like in public. As UU’s, we are called to make a positive difference in our wider communities. We work to serve, to raise awareness, and to support and partner with people who face injustice. We advocate, organize, and act for justice to live out the values of our faith. Our work for a better world calls us to harness love’s power to stop oppression.

Justice Resolutions

Woven Basket

At the Annual Meeting on Sunday, June 5, 2022 there will be a ballot for UUCD members to select 10 groups among those nominated to receive the Woven Basket collection from August 2022 - July 2023.

8th Principle

UUCD members will also be voting on whether or not to formally adopt the 8th Principle as a covenant to affirm and promote anti-racism and anti-oppression with our words and actions. This covenant will lead to conversations about what it means to be accountable to each other, and how we must—through our actions—take on the work of anti-racism and anti-oppression as an inextricable part of our Unitarian Universalist faith.

Justice Work at UUCD

As a congregation, we are committed to doing all that we can to bend the arc of the universe towards justice.

Justice Work in our Faith