Upcoming Events
Sunday, June 8, 2025
Following Worship
Members please attend to vote on important questions for our coming year!
If you cannot attend, but would like your vote counted, you can use a Proxy Vote Form
Proxy Voting Explanation
Proxy votes cannot be used to add to the number of members present at the meeting in order to reach a quorum. A quorum is reached by counting the number of members present at the meeting. For this meeting the quorum will be 31 members. You should have a conversation with the member to whom you are giving your proxy. The person who is present at the meeting has the power and the responsibility to place all of their votes (their own and the proxies given to them) according to his or her own conscience. In other words, you are giving the decision to your proxy holder. If, during the meeting, an item up for vote has been changed and the members present have voted to make that change, the wording may be different at the time of the final vote than it was before. In that case, the person at the meeting holding your proxy will vote their conscience, according to their understanding.
Proxy forms are due to the UUCD office by June 2, 2025 . Email your completed form to uucduluth@gmail.com or bring it to the office.